Ubehol nám ďalší mesiac a spolu s ním prichádza zhrnutie fotiek, čo som robila, kde som bola a ako som sa mala za uplynulý mesiac.
Apríl bol veľmi produktívny, čo sa fotiek týka. Vďaka krásnemu jarnému počasiu, ktorý pretrvával po celý mesiac som bola nabitá pozitívnou energiou, dobrou náladou, no a rozkvitnuté stromčeky, kvety a rastlinky ma stále donútili chytiť foťák do ruky a fotiť.
Another month passed by, and along with it comes a summary of the photos I've done where I was and how I had over the past month. April was very productive, especially for photos. Thanks to the beautiful spring weather, which persisted throughout the month, I was charged with positive energy and was in good mood. And of course, blooming trees, flowers and plantlets forced me to grab a camera and take some photos.
Hneď na začiatku mesiaca som bola fotiť v ateliéri, vďaka Canon workshopu, o tom ako to celé prebieha si môžete prečítať tu, kde opisujem svoju prvú skúsenosť z minulého roku. Ďalšie dni v mesiaci som trávila väčšinou v škole, odkiaľ veľa fotiek nemám (ak nerátam prednášky :D), alebo vonku v záhrade, odkiaľ pochádza väčšina fotiek. No a pred pár dňami som dostala nutkanie odfotiť tie krásne zažltnuté polia, tak som teda sadla na bicykel a previezla sa do vedlajšej dediny, len aby som mala fotky :D.
Vidíme sa o mesiac (ak nie skôr :D) pri ďalšom zhrnutí fotiek, zatiaľ sa majte pekne a užite si fotky :) ♥.
Right at the beginning of the month I was in the studio, thanks to Canon workshop. You can read about workshops here, where i describe how it goes there. The rest of the month i spent mostly in school and i don't have photos from there (I'm not counting photos from the lectures :D ), or in the garden, from where came the most of the photos. And a few days ago I got the urge to capture those beautiful yellowed fields, so I sat on the bike and rode to the village side, just to have pictures :D.
See you in a month (if not sooner :D) with the next summary of photos, so bye until then, and enjoy the photos :) ♥
Right at the beginning of the month I was in the studio, thanks to Canon workshop. You can read about workshops here, where i describe how it goes there. The rest of the month i spent mostly in school and i don't have photos from there (I'm not counting photos from the lectures :D ), or in the garden, from where came the most of the photos. And a few days ago I got the urge to capture those beautiful yellowed fields, so I sat on the bike and rode to the village side, just to have pictures :D.
See you in a month (if not sooner :D) with the next summary of photos, so bye until then, and enjoy the photos :) ♥
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(kocúr sa hrá na levieho kráľa | jedna fotka z ateliéru | backstage z ateliéru | farbičky ♥) ( cat at the top of tree | one photo from the studio | backstage photo | colored pencils ♥) |
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(rozkvitnutá čerešňa | tulipány | fialové kvetinky | motýľ) (cherry blossom | tulips | the purple flowers | butterfly) |
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(rozkvitnutá čerešňa 2 | tulipány | repka olejná) (cherry blossom | tulips | colza) |
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(záplava žltých polí) (a flood of yellow fields) |
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(jeme zdravo :D | McDonald´s | Elephant Dinner) (we eat healthy :D | McDonald´s | Elephant Dinner) |
Aký bol Váš mesiac apríl?
What was your April?
clanok velmi pekny ale anglictina dost zla :( nech ti to prelozi niekto iny alebo si to aspon daj niekomu skontrolovat ked tu chces mat aj anglicky text :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťĎakujem za komentár :) Anglické texty dávam na kontrolu a prípadnú opravu. Každopádne ďakujem za názor a budem sa to snažiť do budúcna zlepšiť :)